Yavapai Big Brothers Big Sisters Named Arizona’s Top Charity!

When it comes to giving to a charity, a national business website is clear one cannot go wrong when making a donation to Yavapai Big Brothers Big Sisters — the nonprofit earned top billing in Arizona, out of 24,513 501c3 nonprofit state organizations.

Read the full Daily Courier story here. 

“This honor is a testament to the commitment of our highly-specialized and talented staff and their commitment of 10 percent annual growth which focuses on child outreach, recruitment and fundraising. YBBBS is fortunate to be in such as generous community that gives with deep commitment to our children. We thank our board of trustees for their vision and support and our volunteers, who truly ignite the potential in children. They are the heroes who change our children’s lives. Together we are the defenders of potential,” said Juliana Goswick, President and CEO of Yavapai Big Brothers Big Sisters.

Business.org looked into charities across the US to see who is influencing the most change ONE DOLLAR at a time.

They studied our Charity Navigator profile, our Facebook posts and our azbigs.org website. They factored in our program expense and financial transparency scores to get a final business.org rating of 97.9%

“The agency has 220 Waiting Little Brothers and Little Sisters, 96 of whom live in Prescott Valley. With this growing need, we have expanded our services through a new office at 3681 N. Robert Road. We invite the community to join us in our ribbon-cutting ceremony at 2 p.m., Aug. 29. Please come meet our staff, board and Big and Little matches and experience our mission up close.”



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